Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tube Practice

This weekend some of my high school friends and I came up to Minneapolis to visit our other friend for her homecoming. Although we tried to get tickets for the football game, of course, we were just a day late and they were all sold out! So while my friend, whom we came to visit, had her ticket we were left to figure out what to do for a few hours. Ultimately we decided to catch the city bus to go to the Mall of America! I have to say, being 3 white girls from a suburban city we had ourselves a little "adventure" trying to figure out which bus to take, which stop to get off at (we messed this one up and ended up having to walk 20 minuets to our ACTUAL stop) all while trying to look like we weren't totally lost. 

Although this was quite a small feat, I actually got kind of excited when I realized I was "practicing" for when I have to use the tube in London. My college councilor (who visits London almost biyearly) assured me that after a few times on the tube, and at least a couple missed stops, I would be a pro. Well, I hope she's right! In all actuality though, I am quite exited to get a tube pass and to be able to be that confident city woman who knows her way around. Getting to experience little things like these, that remind me of my trip, makes me that much more exited to go!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Check, Check - is this thing on?

Hello friends!

As my first post, I can assume I have a commitment to let you know what all this is going to be about!
Well, my name is Bridget and I am a sophomore attending college in Minnesota. I will be studying abroad Spring 2014 semester to London, England and I am very exited to share my adventure with you!

I will be updating my blog with both text and video posts (preferably more videos) on pre-departure, everything leading up to the trip, and obviously my experience over there. Hopefully this will help me stay in touch with friends back home, and maybe even help other students looking to study abroad as well.

Ta ta for now! xx