Sunday, December 29, 2013

16 Days, Calendars and Traveling Plans!

Merry Christmas! Well, I guess Christmas was 3 days ago, but I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. Now that I can't blame the holidays for my lack of posts - here I am!
Its getting so close to departure time, now is the period where all your family members at Christmas ask "Arn't you excited?"while I respond in a stuttered "of course!?". The thing is, its coming so quick I can barely comprehend it all! Of course I'm excited, its just hard to wrap my head around the fact that I am leaving in 16 days. 16 days, even typing that feels crazy.

I got my 1 month update from my program a few weeks ago releasing a program calendar, and myEduation (activities/events hosted by my program) calendar. Seeing that made it a bit more real, to see the calendar and realize I was only a few weeks away from staring my classes, or even visiting Stone Hedge.

Here is some of my program dates:

As well as program events, they also mentioned outside travel excursion opportunities. One of the #1 things I'm excited to do is not only travel around London, but around Europe. Currently I have no set plans when and where I'm traveling to, but I am leaving it pretty open. I want to do a few weekend trips and especially travel around during my spring break. I'm hoping I will make friends over there who have their spring break open too and we can travel somewhere together! As for travel after my program ends, I actually booked a flight home the day its over (more so because they highly recommend not flying into the UK without a flight out). But I'm still up in the air (haha, no pun intended!) about canceling my return flight and traveling more after. I'm just hoping it will sort itself out while I'm over there.

A lot to think about, but any down time I get I end up daydreaming about London and the adventure to be had :) xx

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