Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Here is the full, long, a bit stressful, a bit amazing tale of my arrival in London.

That morning I was exited and ready to go, a bit stressed, but I pulled it together only to realize that 2 hours before I had to leave for my flight my suit case was too big. My mom and I went to go weigh it and then evidently measure it (because we never looked at the restrictions - why would they sell a suitcase that was too big in the first place!) and found out this was just not going to work. Low and behold 40 min later we had rushed to TJ Maxx bought a CORRECT sized luggage and had everything transferred to the new one. Once we (the whole fam!) arrived at the airport and said our tearful goodbyes (well, only mom cried) I was off and waving to them from across security. Once through the terminal I headed to my gate and found quite a crowd of college students forming. Luckily I found a sweet group of girls that were happy to be my friend! Then we boarded the plane and took off. Although I thought the 8 hours would feel long and imagining I would spend my time reading, watching movies, listening to music and getting a little shut eye - of course it wasn't anything how imagined. Although the 8 hours did go by quite fast it consisted of watching a movie right away (and practically nodding off by the end) eating airplane dinner, trying to sleep while changing positions every 20 min and eventually accepting I won't get any sleep, eating the airplane breakfast and landing. Needless to say I got maybe an hour of good sleep.

But once we arrived, it was pretty much up hill after that! I got to catch a taxi with 3 other girls who were staying in my flat building (while trying not to zone out, or realize how tired I was during the 35 min ride). Once I arrived I got settled into my room and went on a walking tour - which consisted of a program leader showing all the students who lived in my building the neighborhood. She was super helpful showing us the very short walk to the tube, and pointing out good restaurants and shops along the way. (After this some of us went and got toiletries and some food for the next day - mom this is aimed solely at you to ease some of your worries). By this time it was around 3 o'clock, when we went back to our flats and just chilled. I got to know my flat mates better as well as visit my friends only a few floors down. By 5 o'clock we all were pretty much starving so we went to a pub just a few blocks away. Being my first night in London, I thought why not do as the Londoners!! I got fish and chips and a 1/2 pint of hard cider! Sitting at a big table with a bunch of us drinking pints and eating pub food surrounded by British accents made me so happy and even more exited at what these next few months will bring.

Back at the flat my night has finished up by starting to unpack, taking a shower, rearranging our room and blogging before I know this night of sleep will be very appreciated to my tired body.

P.S. My room is AMAZING and has a spectacular view - so a room tour will be in order :) xx

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